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Data Analysis

P-STAT Data Entry

P-Stat Inc.

The P-STAT Data Entry module is a fully interactive, screen-orientedsystem for defining variables, entering data and/or revising existing P-STAT system files. Data Entry is supported on selected systems includinghardware platforms running UNIX and DOS. Data Entry can be licensed forstandalone use, or as an optional module to the base P-STAT statisticalanalysis program.Data Entry features:field/variable)2)Date and Time may be defined as either character or numeric variables.from the previous casewith a direct access file format)system filecharacter valuesincluding SPSS export format, SAS Data Step format, dif (data interchangeformat) and dBase.The Data Entry command has two parts: variable definition and dataentry. Variable definitions may be entered in an interactive P-STATsession using the DATA.ENTRY command, or entered into an external fileand referenced in the DATA.ENTRY command using the DEF.IN identifier.This allows customers to enter their definitions using WordPerfect orother editors/wordprocessors which write out an ASCII file. Data Entryruns from a front-end MENU supporting function keys and pop-up menus.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1 Solaris x86 2.0,2.1

P-Stat Inc.
230 Lambertville Hopewell Rd Road
Hopewell, NJ 08525
Phone: (609) 466-9200
Fax: (609) 466-1688